Monday, January 26, 2009

Shawn and I Had a Car Accident Today

Well before I say anymore - we are alright.

Shawn and I drove to Claremore knowing the ice storm was coming. We thought we had enough time to get there and back before it got bad. Well we were partially wrong. We made it to Claremore without any road trouble but the entire front of the car and windshield were covered in ice. Thank God for defrost. We went to RSU to drop off his award letter to the financial aid office which took a couple of seconds and then were back on the road again.

Just outside of Claremore there was a BIG wreck. At least 4 or 5 cars involved. They had the fire trucks, ambulances and alot of police cars there. The wreck blocked all lanes of traffic so the highway patrol rerouted us down a backroad. Problem is we didn't know where the road went to. So we drove several miles down this road and didn't find anything so we turned around. I was doing all of the driving and Shawn was being a typical male and was doing all of the navigating. Of course when I said we should pull over at someone's house to ask directions he said OH NO! So we drove around turning this way and that way for almost 45 minutes. Then we finally got a glimpse of the turnpike and headed in that direction. We made it to an overpass that went right over the turnpike and as we had just gotten onto the overpass another car came towards us. This woman was going way too fast and then about a quarter of the way across the overpass she slammed on her brakes and started sliding. She came at us sideways and I looked over at Shawn and said we're gonna be hit and then BAM! She hit us. We stayed in control and never really spun or anything but she went spinnning. Thank GOD noone flipped over the guard rail onto the turnpike. That really would have been bad.

So this woman got out of her car and approached us asking if we were okay and we said yes. Apparently she was too. She agreed that she had been going too fast and had slammed on her brakes which was what caused the accident. But after talking to her husband on the phone she came back over to us and said yes this was your fault. WHAT??? In no way was that accident our fault. I was only going 20 mph and we stayed in control the entire time. She was the one going to fast and couldn't stay in control. She hit us! So Shawn argued with her telling her that she had been going too fast and that it was her fault. I agreed with him - it was the truth. Then she started saying that the overpass was a one lane overpass. WHAT???? There were no signs posting that. We double checked and took pictures. Another man showed up and stopped to help. He agreed that it was a one way. Again we pointed out that there were no signs posting that. They both said well everyone who lives out here knows that. I explained to her for like the umpteenth time that we had been lost and still had no idea where we were.

So we called 911. The redirected us over to the Highway Patrol who said it would be hours before they could get to us if there were no injuries. There were too many other accidents involving injuries that they had to get to. They just advised us to swap information and go on our way. So that is what we did.

Shawn drove home. He is better on slick roads than I am. The roads weren't really that bad it was just the bridges and overpasses that were bad. Then when we got home the dam and the spillways were pretty bad. Shawn got us hoome okay though. We reevaluated the damage to the car and it really isn't that bad. Just a minor dent in one of the doors. Mom is NOT happy! The other lady just had a broken headlight. So I don't know that we are even going to involve insurance companies.

Time will tell how this tale will end. lol We made it home safe and all is well now.

Oh yeah - the lady that hit us finally told us how to get back to the highway. lol If we had gone straight instead taking the overpass we would have been on the right track. ugh

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