Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Brandon is a Daddy!!

Mom's Lhasa Apso finally gave birth to her puppies tonight!! She started at about 9pm on January 26th and finished at about 3:30am January 27th. She had five puppies before she finally gave birth to Brandon's new baby girl - sorry no name yet - a beautiful beautiful baby Lhasa. She is mainly red with black ears and feet with a white belly and a black mask across her face.

I was sound asleep when Brandon came into the room at 3:30am and just yelled - I GOTTA GIRL!!

He has been waiting weeks for this mama to finally give him his girl. Now he has her and she is beautiful.

Check out her mask across her lil eyes.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Shawn and I Had a Car Accident Today

Well before I say anymore - we are alright.

Shawn and I drove to Claremore knowing the ice storm was coming. We thought we had enough time to get there and back before it got bad. Well we were partially wrong. We made it to Claremore without any road trouble but the entire front of the car and windshield were covered in ice. Thank God for defrost. We went to RSU to drop off his award letter to the financial aid office which took a couple of seconds and then were back on the road again.

Just outside of Claremore there was a BIG wreck. At least 4 or 5 cars involved. They had the fire trucks, ambulances and alot of police cars there. The wreck blocked all lanes of traffic so the highway patrol rerouted us down a backroad. Problem is we didn't know where the road went to. So we drove several miles down this road and didn't find anything so we turned around. I was doing all of the driving and Shawn was being a typical male and was doing all of the navigating. Of course when I said we should pull over at someone's house to ask directions he said OH NO! So we drove around turning this way and that way for almost 45 minutes. Then we finally got a glimpse of the turnpike and headed in that direction. We made it to an overpass that went right over the turnpike and as we had just gotten onto the overpass another car came towards us. This woman was going way too fast and then about a quarter of the way across the overpass she slammed on her brakes and started sliding. She came at us sideways and I looked over at Shawn and said we're gonna be hit and then BAM! She hit us. We stayed in control and never really spun or anything but she went spinnning. Thank GOD noone flipped over the guard rail onto the turnpike. That really would have been bad.

So this woman got out of her car and approached us asking if we were okay and we said yes. Apparently she was too. She agreed that she had been going too fast and had slammed on her brakes which was what caused the accident. But after talking to her husband on the phone she came back over to us and said yes this was your fault. WHAT??? In no way was that accident our fault. I was only going 20 mph and we stayed in control the entire time. She was the one going to fast and couldn't stay in control. She hit us! So Shawn argued with her telling her that she had been going too fast and that it was her fault. I agreed with him - it was the truth. Then she started saying that the overpass was a one lane overpass. WHAT???? There were no signs posting that. We double checked and took pictures. Another man showed up and stopped to help. He agreed that it was a one way. Again we pointed out that there were no signs posting that. They both said well everyone who lives out here knows that. I explained to her for like the umpteenth time that we had been lost and still had no idea where we were.

So we called 911. The redirected us over to the Highway Patrol who said it would be hours before they could get to us if there were no injuries. There were too many other accidents involving injuries that they had to get to. They just advised us to swap information and go on our way. So that is what we did.

Shawn drove home. He is better on slick roads than I am. The roads weren't really that bad it was just the bridges and overpasses that were bad. Then when we got home the dam and the spillways were pretty bad. Shawn got us hoome okay though. We reevaluated the damage to the car and it really isn't that bad. Just a minor dent in one of the doors. Mom is NOT happy! The other lady just had a broken headlight. So I don't know that we are even going to involve insurance companies.

Time will tell how this tale will end. lol We made it home safe and all is well now.

Oh yeah - the lady that hit us finally told us how to get back to the highway. lol If we had gone straight instead taking the overpass we would have been on the right track. ugh

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Brandon Job Shadowed a Surgeon

I am posting this a little late but at least I didn't totally forget. haha

Brandon is planning on going to medical school and becoming a surgeon. His school offered him a chance to job shadow a surgeon for the day and he took it. So on December 12, 2008 he spent the better part of the day in surgery observing at Craig General Hospital in Vinita. He got to sit in on three different surgeries. They were mainly gall bladder surgeries but still he got to sit on and watch. He wasn't in the observation room he was actually in the surgery room where the procedure was taking place. I think that is so cool and so good for him.

He did get a laugh when an older gentleman came in and needed the roto-rooter treatment (anal exam). lol Brandon got to observe and when it was over the man asked him if he had learned anything. lol

He was only there from 7:30am till 1:00pm but he liked it.

I think it was a great experience for him. I am dying to buy him some medical books now when we have the chance. I am so excited for him and his future.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Carson Won Another Trophy!!!

Carson had a really big day today. He got up at 4am to drive to Berryhill, OK - where ever that is - to compete in a wrestling tournament. I waited hours and finally got my call from Carl about how he was doing. He had won his first four matches - BY PINNING THE KIDS not by points alone. I was so excited!!

Over an hour later I got another phone call and Carson had lost his first match and was put into the losers bracket. Unfortunately that ment no chance at a first place trophy anymore.

Then I waited a couple of more hours to finally hear that he had won four more matches! All but one of them was by pinning the kids - one of them he won by points. He fought his way through the losers bracket and came out on top - he got third place!! My Baby Boy brought home another trophy and was so happy!

Honestly I'm not sure who is more excited - me or him. lol I have text messaged everyone and I mean everyone to let them know. I have also told all of my online friends and now I'm posting it here. I am so proud of him. He did so well.


Lookie At These Cute Puppy Pics

I couldn't resist posting these. lol
Was there ever any doubt who ate the football?

Awww Look at Chica
She is pretending to be a BAT instead of a RAT.

Hee Hee I found the crazy lady's shoe!

It's a dogs life - eat shoe, sleep, repeat. lol

Almost got it - my bone is under here.

"Oh Did you hear about that Huzzy across the fence that got the scabies?"

"I was told not to tell ...but yeah I hear she's got it bad!"

"Honestly we can keep a secret."

I'm stressed and I need a cigarette!

Tired baby Serenity. Takes alot out of a pup - chewing up a football.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Brandon Did It - He Did It!!

Brandon and I got up really early this morning and drove to Tahlequah and went straight to the driving examiners office. Leaving early and getting there early we were still seventeenth to sign in. When it was finally his turn I was nervously standing by watching. Then he turned in his test. I watched as she graded it and thought I saw her marking several of his answers wrong. So of course I thought we were going to have to come back and try again. When she called him up to the desk - HE HAD PASSED!!! He had actually only missed one question.

He refuses to let me take his pic with his permit or take a picture of his permit to post for all to see but here is a BIG thumbs up to Brandon. I'm proud of you big guy!

Mom's New Website

I have been working for three days on a website for mom's kennel. We are still adding to it and fixing gramatical errors as we find them but we are now live. If you get a chance check it out and sign her guestbook.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Poem For My Beautiful Daughter

As I Watch You Grow

Do you know how much you mean to me?
As you grow into what you will be.
You came from within, from just beneath my heart
it's there you'll always be though your own life will now start.
You're growing so fast it sends me awhirl, With misty eyes I ask,
Where's my little girl?
I know sometimes to you I seem harsh and so unfair, But one day you
will see, I taught you well because I care.
The next few years will so quickly fly, With laughter and joy, mixed
with a few tears to cry.
As you begin your growth to womanhood, this fact you must know,
You'll always be my source of pride, no matter where you go.
You must stand up tall and proud, within you feel no fear, For all your
dreams and goals, sit before you very near.
With god's love in your heart and the world by its tail, You'll always be
my winner, and victory will prevail.
For you this poem was written, with help from above,
To tell you in a rhythm of your Mother's heartfelt Love!

written by: Kay Theese

Saturday, January 17, 2009


After long hours of waiting I finally found out how Ryann and her cheerleading squad did in Oklahoma City. This was a bigger competition for her squad with several states represented.


Okay so first place is self explanitory but let me tell you what Overall Grand Champions means. They got the highest score out of all of the squads in the competition at EVERY level. Even the older girls with more difficulty!

Ryann is so excited cause winning first place means the team as a whole gets one trophy that the coach keeps. Winning Overall Grand Champion means they also got a trophy that is taller than me and all of the girls got a medal.


CHEERLEADER Pictures, Images and Photos

Carson's BIG Tournament In Tulsa


Carson had his BIG Wrestling Tournament last night and today. He was up against more than thirty other kids. He won 6 matches and lost 2. Which put him in 6th place at the end. Unfortunately 6th place did not receive a trophy. He did his best and we are very proud of him. Way to go Bubba!
Sorry I will not have videos from this tournament as I was unable to go.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Ryann Has a Cheerleading Competition Tomorrow in OK City

I'm so nervous for her and I can't be there. So this is for her.............

Good Luck Sissyfoot!! I know you will do GREAT!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Carson's Latest Wrestling Videos

I have already posted the pics from Carson's wrestling tournament but here is the first video - First Match. Now remember he wins this match, loses the second match, wins the third match and loses his fourth match.

This is match one - where he wins.

This is match three - where he wins.

I tried to get all four of his matches but there wasn't enough memory on my camera to get them all. So of course I got his wins. lol

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Kids Playing At Little Blue

This is a small part of Little Blue where the kids like to rock climb.
Ryann Pretty As A Picture.

Carson is all boy - he played with every dead fish and dead fish bones he could find.

Like I said - he's all boy!

Look at this beautiful face - check out his pretty eyes.

He has found yet another fish. lol

Ryann crossing back over the water after rock climbing.

Carson came home smelling of dead fish. hee hee

Ryann posing on the rocks.

Kids being Kids.

This was the end of our trip to Little Blue.

Carson Had a Wrestling Tournament Today

We got up at 5:30 this morning to get ready and get Carson to Salina, OK for his wrestling tournament. Unfortunately you can't win them all and today just wasn't his day. He won his first match by points. Then lost his second match by points - meaning he was not pinned. Then he won his third match with his amazing style and ability. Unfortunately he lost his fourth match which ment no trophy today. He was winning his last match by points and the other boy managed to get two points on him in the last few seconds and Carson walked away with a disappointing loss. Here are a few pics from the tournament to share. I will try to get the two videos of his wins posted by tomorrow.

Carson trying to keep warm after weighing in at 6:30am.

I finally got a good pic of Carson in his singlet.

Trying to get a little rest before the tournament starts.

Carsin with his daddy who doubles as a coach on tournament days.

Carson on the mat getting ready to stretch.

Stretching with dad.

Getting a few pointers from dad.

Getting a few last minute tips from dad before his turn on the mat.

Carson getting a quick start after the whistle blew.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ryann's Regional Competition 2008

These pictures are from Ryann's 2008 ASC Regional competition in Tulsa, Oklahoma at Tulsa Union High School. The competition was held November 22, 2008.

See all of those facials? She practices those at home. lol They took first place at this competition. I am hoping to have it on youtube soon so I can show off the entire routine with all of the girls. Ryann is in the front right in the middle for most of the routine.

Here are a few group shots.

The Ending Pyramid. Ryann is right in the front in the middle.