Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Carson, Infamous & Serenity

Carson sleeping with Infamous and Serenity
This pic is soooo cute!

Infamous and his new wifey. lol
I can't wait till she is big enough to have babies.
I want one so bad!

Friday, December 26, 2008

~ Check Out Carson On You Tube ~

I was playing around yesterday and BLAMMO now Carson is on YouTube!!! Okay I'm gonna try to post the links or videos or whatever you do with them. lol

Okay Carson had a total of four matches in this tournament. I was so excited that I forgot to even attempt to video his first match. Here is his second match though...

Here is his third match - I shouldn't ruin the surprise but I have to brag - my baby boy kicks butt! He slams this kid down a couple of times. hee hee

I am in the process of uploading his final winning match now so I will post it soon. Enjoy!

Okay its uploaded - here is the final winning match - watch close cause this kid he is wrestling starts crying about half way through. I know - bad mommy - but hey I was just thrilled he won. It was his first, first place trophy.

Now that I know I can do this I will definitely do more. =0)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008 Pictures

So I got a new camera for Christmas so you know there are new pics to share. lol Here are a few....

Ryann on her new scooter that Santa brought her.
~ Way To Go Santa ~

Here is Ryann on her Unicycle that her Papa got her.
She is determined to learn how to ride it!
She can sit still on it already and go just about one turn.
(this pic was taken with my phone so its not as good - sorry)

Ryann modeling off her new outfit from Aunt Kissy, Uncle Jami, Maddie and Oliva. Notice the earrings....
(sorry this is another pic from my phone)

Brandon opening his GRR sleepy pants - yes they match his hair. lol

Carson is all smiles with one of his new movies - Wall-E.
I can't wait to watch this one. =0)

Shawn is getting a kick out of one of his gifts.

Okay so I did get him these pants but even I have to say WOW!

You can't tell me that this boy isn't adorable in his new hat. My lil QT!

Brandon with his new shirt...... Big F, Little F, What Begins with F?

They had so much fun together on the new scooter. Maybe Santa should have brought two. lol