Sunday, May 23, 2010

Me and Brandon

Brandon's Senior Slide Show From Graduation

My camera battery died while videoing this but I did get Brandon's part. If you want to watch the entire thing you can if not Brandon's pictures start at 4:30. So you can skip to him if you want. His friends from Tahlequah didn't know which baby pictures were of Brandon so mom and I were the only ones yelling during his baby pictures. Just remember that when they flashed Brandon's High School picture up there he had the loudest crowd yell during the entire show. His friends from Tahlequah and all of us let everyone know Brandon was graduating! He is so loved. hee hee

Brandon Graduating

Brandon Walking Across The Stage - Receiving His High School Diploma!
Way To Go Brandon!!!

The Throwing of the Caps!

Brandon's Graduation Pictures

I missed getting a pic of Brandon walking down the aisle as he entered the gym but this is him as he found his seat.

The beautiful Miss Dakota Garrett singing.

I don't even know this poor guys name. lmao he was sitting at the end of the stage to help the girls down off of the stage by holding their hands. I guess he got bored while the speakers were giving their speaches. lmao

Zach receiving his diploma - Way To Go Zach!!

Zach Brown - one of the sweetest kids around!

Maddie Sings Louis

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Olivia's Birthday Treats

This is Misses Ladybug and she can't wait to get to Miss Olivia's Birthday Party!!

This is Miss Ladybugs family and they are excited to meet Olivia and her friends too. =)

These guys are distant cousins to the ladybug cookie family but they are geared up and ready to party hard with baby O and her possie.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Brandon's Senior Prom

I didn't get any pics of Brandon from Prom. But I did manage to get one shot of him all dressed up just before he went to dinner with his date, Miranda, and his friends. I only got the one picture before my camera battery died and he had to leave. He has friends who have more pictures but I haven't been able to snag any of them as of yet. He was in the Grand Lake Chronicle this month all dressed up with a group of friends. It's a cute picture. When I have time I will scan it in and upload it for all to see. I can see it online but I can't snag it to use on here. grrrr Prom was April 17, 2010 so this pic is a little late getting posted. oopsie

Mom's Goats

Goats for Mother's Day? hee hee

Mom and I bought a goat to help keep the grass down in the bulldog pen. This little guy was soooo cute!! We put him in with the bulldogs and kept an eye on him up until dark. The last time we went out to check on him he was MIA. It was dark so we never did find him. Poor lil guy! He was too cute!

For Mother's Day I got mom a new baby goat and went ahead and bought his mother. They are now in with the bulldogs and seem to like it okay. They have taken over the dog house which has the bulldogs most upset - especially since we have had rain lately. Mom has named the mother Nanny - since she is a Nanny Goat. lol

This is the young male. Aren't his eyes wicked? His mother's eyes are the same way. He is cute - just not as cute as our first goat. Mom has decided to name him Billy - since he is indeed a Billy Goat. lol

Happy Mother's Day

Here are the kids the day before Mother's Day at the Chicken Swap Open Air Market. Carson is holding Thumper and Ryann is holding her new lop ear bunny, Sugar.

The Oh so Gorgeous - Carson James giving mommy a pretty smile for Mother's Day. =)

Okay so the funniest thing about this pic of Ryann is - now look closely - she is sitting on the potty! lmao You Go Girl! Here Mommy Happy Mother's Day TOOOOOOT!

Here is the beautiful flower that Carson gave me for Mother's Day. He decorated the cup all by himself. =) I just love that boy!

Carson also made me a coupon book for Mother's Day. It has coupons in it that he filled out himself of things he will do for me. Like doing dishes, playing in his room so I can take a bubble bath. lol

My favorite coupon from his book - Coupon Good for Making Cookies!!! What a sweet boy!

Ryann made me this beautiful card for Mother's Day. It has a nice message inside too. =)

This was attached to the back of Ryann's card. Flower seeds! Now we can plant them together when she comes up next weekend.
All in all I had a nice Mother's Day. Shawn drove to Texas with mom so we didn't fight. Which obviously made it a good day! lol He did wish me a Happy Mother's Day though. I didn't even see Brandon on Mother's Day. sniff sniff He did send me a text message wishing me a Happy Mother's Day though. Gotta love teenagers. hee hee

The kids and I went to the Market and tried to sell some cookies but everyone was elsewhere for Mother's Day. I didn't think it would be a good day for the Market but since they were open we thought we would try. Carson and Ryann each came home with a new bunny rabbit. So we now have a pair of New Zealand Bunnies to go with our Lop Eared Bunnies.

When we got home Carson and Ryann took me out for dinner at Carlos Montez.

I had a wonderful Mother's Day - I hope everyone else did too!!

Happy Mother's Day!!