Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Day At The Park With Carson and Ryann

The kids and I went to the park in Pryor on Friday and had a blast. The kids climbed trees, played baseball, played on the playground equipment and monkey bars and fed the ducks. As luck would have it or should I say "my luck" - I got there expecting to take lots of pictures with my camera. But when we got there my battery was dead. lol So here are a few pics that I took with my phone. So please excuse the poor pics but at least I have something to share. lol

Ryann showing off in front of the other girls. hee hee She is turning into me as a kid. lol

Monkey Boy, Carson swinging in the tree. He was so funny!

Silly Carson posing for mommy.

Remember Where's Waldo? Well this is Where's Carson?

Ryann climbed up higher than Carson so the challenge was on.

Carson tried and tried and finally made it higher than Ryann up in the tree. Here is a pic just before he managed to do it.

Here is where he made it higher up than Ryann.

Ryann posing for mommy.

Isn't she pretty???

Carson trying to get the ducks to come to him. He was just aching to touch one.

Ryann feeding the ducks.

Carson got upset with Ryann cause she took over the bread.
Carson found a ten dollar bill before we went and so he bought the bread himself.

He almost got to touch one here. He fed alot of them but never got to touch one.
We had a really good time. We played alot of baseball - and let me just tell you - Carson hit the ball so hard once that the ball went out into the street and a car ran over it. lol He had a ball. Ryann ran after the ball once and did a tumbling pass which grabbed two older girls attention. We heard them saying thing like... "yeah I use to be able to do that." But we watched and they could barely manage a cartwheel. hee hee Ryann loved it. She started tumbling everywhere just to show off. She even had the grown ups attention. All in all we had a great time.

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