Monday, February 9, 2009

I Have Two New Babies!!!

Well I am proud to announce that the kids and I are the new proud owners of two of the funniest puppies. lol

This is Miss Bella
Doesn't she look like a princess? lol
She is only about 3 months old and absolutely adorable.
She is an English Bulldog.
This is Mr. Cooper
He is Carson's baby boy.
He is a 6 month old Maltese.
They are so funny. Little Bella is an ankle biter and Cooper thinks he is suppose to hump EVERYTHING. lol They are so cute together!!! We just got them Saturday so we are still waiting to get to know their personalities better.

Ryann Finally Got To Do Her Stunting

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Weekend With The Kids

After three weeks of not having the kids - I finally got a weekend with them. We had alot of fun too. I picked them up on Friday night after Ryann's last minute cheer practice. We got home and shortly after went to bed so we could get up early for Ryann's cheer competition in Tulsa.

We got up early Saturday morning. Before we could get out the door Carson had fallen back to sleep with Infamous. hee hee
On the way to the competition I was in the wrong lane and missed our darn exit. So we had to drive several extra miles to get back on track. lol I hate driving in Tulsa.

Ryann and Sidney (Chooch and Megan White's Daughter).
Sidney competed in the first session. In this picture Sidney has already competed and Ryann is still waiting for her turn in the second session.

We went to the first session in hopes of seeing the individuals compete. Apparently they didn't have individuals at this competition though. We didn't have to be there until 10:30am and we got there at 7:30am before the doors even opened. lol

Carson isn't much of a cheerleading fan - he'd rather be wrestling.
He did keep me entertained though.

When it was finally Ryann's squad's turn I managed to take one picture which didn't turn out well. I was so excited to watch that taking pictures didn't happen.
So here is Ryann posing for me right after she came off of the mat.

This is during the awards ceremony. Jammy of Jamfest (the name of the competition) came out to decide on the squad with the most spirit. SURPISE!!! We won that one!! Look at those girls screaming and yelling. lol
Ryann's squad had a stunt that fell so they didn't take first. They came in 3rd.

This is Ryann and David McClelland - one of her coaches.
David is such a sweetie! He is absolutely hilarious too! At the end of Ryann's session they called out all of the crazy dad's to have a dance off. No Carl didn't go. lol But then they announced that some of the coaches wanted to join in. So David went out on the matt and danced for his girls. It was so funny - he was really good. He was on his back flipping around like a street dancer. He ended his dance with a roundolph full twisting layout. I think that may be why he didn't win. lol They said no tumbling. Oh well - he was still the best!!

David put Ryann in a minor stunt just to show how easy it is to put her up.
He would have put her up higher but they were on concrete.

After we left we made a quick trip to Super Target. Then we were homeward bound. Ryann didn't last long. lol She was all cheered out.

When we got back we stopped by Colby's house to talk to him about partner stunting with Ryann. Colby let Carson play with his Gecko.

On Sunday we got up and waited around a little bit - we wanted to give Brandon and Colby time to wake up before we asked them to stunt with Ryann.
This is Carson showing he can do jumps BOY style just as good or better than Ryann. =0)

Ryann getting ready to go stunt with the boys. She was so excited!!

Carson just had to get in on the make-up action. He went for a more clown look though. lol

We couldn't get in touch with Colby to stunt so Ryann posed lakeside for me.

My baby girl is getting so flexible. This is the one stunt we wanted to do with Colby and Brandon. Only up above their heads.

Ryann's Close Up.
She is getting to be so grown up.
Somebody make her stop!

Maybe they should have a reality show for kid models. lol

You go girl!

If Ryann can't go up in stunts - she will just put Carson up.
Go Carson! Go Carson! Go Carson!
Well needless so say Ryann never got to stunt with the boys. So we own them for five hours next weekend or their coach will get them better than I ever could. mua hahaha (evil laugh)