Monday, December 28, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Carson Had Surgery Yesterday

Carson had surgery on his right ear yesterday (11-23-09) to repair a hole in his eardrum. It was caused by his second set of tubes. His tubes fell out and the hole in his right ear didn't heal up. So the specialist went in and put a patch over it. They had to put him completely under for the procedure so it was surgery although minor. It only took 30 minutes. He came out of surgery and woke up with a smile his nurse said. Although his smile turned to tears soon after as he realized his head hurt. He had a bad headache and the dr forgot to order pain meds so he had to wait for relief. Once we got some tylenol in him and left the hospital he was feeling better.

Carson eating his pumpkin pie - he ate almost half of it in two sittings!!

Carson Won First Place!!

This is the first place medal Carson won in Tulsa last weekend at East Central.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Carson and Haley had Their First Wrestling Match of the Season

Carson and Haley had their first wrestling tournament of the 2009 season. The first video is of Haley winning her second match. She lost her first match, won her second match and lost her third. She did really good overall though.

This video is of Carson's winning match from today. Notice how he throws down this boy at the very beginning.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ryann's 10th Birthday Party!

Well it was a happy birthday for Ryann today.
Check out some of the pics from her day....

Ryann's Pretty B-day Bear Birthday Cake.

now with candles lit

Shawn took the little tray that the bear on the cake was sitting on and got Ryann in the face with the frosting that was on the bottom of it. hee hee

Brittany getting ready for cake!

Ryann, Mom and Carson

Isn't my baby boy beautiul? =0)

Opening the outfit that Brittany and Shawn got her.

Her Peace sign shirt - she loved it!

Her new Bring it On Movie!! She really liked it!!

Okay so the best present I think she got was her flat iron. hee hee

Her new jeans. I guess she liked the jeans but not the frilly belt. lol
I found the belt after she went home in the bathroom.

She really really liked her new cheerleading bag that mom got her.

Oh No! My pic turned out bad but this is the cheer sweatsuit that mom got her.

Oh and the one thing she thought everyone had forgotten to get her - keychains.

Ryann's new keychains to add to her collection.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Ryann looked AMAZING!!!

Evil Zombie Carson looked so COOL!

My Goth Angel and Evil Zombie...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ryann Will Be The Big 10 Soon!!

Ryann's birthday is coming up and we are all excited. She is planning on taking a few friends with her to the haunted castle in Muskogee for Carl's party for her. Here we are doing the family thing and having cake and ice cream and presents presents and presents. Carson and I can't wait. We are really excited for her. She will officially be a preteen. The BIG 10!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pics From Little Blue

The shad were thick enough to get a pic!!

Monkey Boy

Carson trying to catch a fish or some shad.

Unfortunately Carson didn't catch anything and he got really upset.

My Monkeys lol

If only she had been in uniform - this would have made a GREAT poster!

Ryann was posing for me while Carson was fishing.

This stump was higher off the ground than it looks in the pic.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Kids Had a Track Meet

Ryann and Carson were both in a track meet this past Friday. They both did really well. Ryann took first place and Carson took second place.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Ryann's Cheerleading 2008 - 09

This is Ryann's cheer squad competing last year. Ryann is right in the front. She is the one who blows a kiss and goes up in the air. They took first place with this performance. Well they actually tied for first but we'll just say they took first. lol

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ryann's Goth Boots for Halloween

I sure hope she can walk in these. lol We are waiting for them to come in now. She is going to be a Goth Angel for Halloween.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Shawn and Brittany Took Carson and Ryann to the Aquarium Today

Shawn and Brittany surprised me today by inviting the kids to go with them to the aquarium and out to dinner. The kids had a great time! Brittany was kind enough to take ALOT of pics for me..........